Today’s keyword for the May photo challenge day 10, is “i made this“. This photo is a lovely one of my baby girl. I captured quite a few photos on Instagram but this is my favourite. She is such a beautiful little lady!

I’ve seen some fabulous images online so far. I love the subjective element to the photo challenge. Everyone’s perspective of the theme of the day is different. It has made me smile seeing all of the images so far. I am very excited about doing a round up of my favourites. Thank you so much for the support in my latest adventure.

Here are the May prompts as a reminder, I would love for you to join in. Take a look at the photos that have been uploaded so far #mummyphotoaday.

Get the right tags

In order to join you will need to use the hashtag #mummyphotoaday and link to @mummyconstant if you can. That way I can include the photos in the round ups. Also, other people that are joining in will be able to find your photos too.

EEK!! I am so excited. Let’s see if this takes off…

Get the badge

<div align=”center”><a href=”” rel=”nofollow” title=”MummyPhotoaDay Linky”><img src=”” alt=”MummyPhotoaday Linky” style=”border: none;” /></a></div>

Instructions:  Select all code above, copy it and paste it inside your blog post as HTML

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Our Family,

Last Update: Thursday, 10th May 2018