Well, with all this wonderful sunshine I have loved keeping on top of the laundry. This is my biggest weakness when it comes to the housework. Usually, Hubby does all the washing (because I forget) and I put it all away. I have some great tips on keeping on top of the laundry, even the washing machine, especially during lockdown and instantly making you feel happier! I love an empty laundry basket, don’t you?

Section out the dirty laundry

You might think this is a simple tip, but if you don’t do it already this can save you so much time along the line. We are a house of 4 humans, 2 dogs and 1 cat and so our laundry basket is never empty for long.

I section out the dirty laundry so that we wash things in a pattern, on a normal week: Daddy’s colours, Mummy’s colours, Kid’s colours and then whites. This means that when the clothes go through the cycle of washing, drying and then folding to put away – it’s a bit quicker as I know one bundle is for Daddy and one for the kiddies.

Laundry basket

Get a good quality laundry basket

Investing in a good quality laundry basket is essential. We have the new soft seagrass laundry basket from mokee. I love it! Because it’s quite big it keeps all of our dirty washing in it, containing the smells and awful sights that children bring along to this equation! The inner natural lining bag of the laundry basket means it is easy to grab that dirty washing and take it down to the washing machine. It also keeps the laundry basket clean.

inner lining bag

Get the kiddies to help

As we are all under one roof at the moment, 24/7 days a week, there’s no harm in asking the kiddies to help. Mine love putting the clothes on the dryer in the garden, it gives them outdoor time and also means I can get on with another task, like putting the next load on! This can also help with bonding, as the children will feel like they are helping you.

Add an air freshener to your laundry basket

Keeping a nice air freshener in the laundry basket will ensure the bad odours are kept at bay. This is just a nice tip, so when you are not quite on top of the laundry cycle you don’t have to worry about the hallway smelling of smelly socks!

laundry hacks

Organise the clean pile

I spend ages organising the cleaning piles. So, for example, if a load has mixed items in from all of us, I ensure that I split it into piles of Daddy, Mummy, Noah & Isla. This means when I take it upstairs I know where the clean clothes are going. This makes it easier to put things away too. It used to take me ages putting them away when it wasn’t organised. This saved me hours a week!

Do you have any hacks to keep on top of the laundry, especially during lockdown? I would love to know in the comments below or on social media: @mummyconstant.