Are you and your family finding being in a household lockdown difficult? For some people, staying indoors will be a breeze. For others, it will be a massive challenge! Of course, one of the main difficulties is keeping your mind and body active. Boredom is bound to kick in at some point. It may have already! So, how do you deal with this? Well, continue reading to discover more about some of the different ways you can keep busy while you are in lockdown.

Try cooking dishes you’ve never made before – Mealtimes can become exciting again while in lockdown. We know that it is hard to get some ingredients at the moment. Buying pasta feels like mission impossible. However, this simply presents you with the perfect opportunity to try making things yourself. Why not make your own pasta, for example? Try cooking different meals that you have never cooked before but have always wanted to. You can also give baking a try as well. After all, there’s nothing nicer than tucking into some homemade cake!

Enjoy some activities in your garden – Just because we’re only allowed to exercise outside of our home once a day, does not mean we cannot make the most of the outdoors. If you’re lucky enough to have a garden, make the most of it! Trampolines, for example, can be a lot of fun. This is something that all ages can enjoy, and the fun doesn’t ever seem to stop! 

Play board games – You can also use this opportunity to play board games with your family. A lot of families have a stash of board games that never seem to be used. If you don’t, don’t worry. You can play virtually any boardgame via your phone or laptop these days, and so you can always go about it in this way instead. 

Get crafty – Are you a fan of arts and crafts? If so, you can make the most of this opportunity to try your hand at creating some different crafts and pieces of artwork. From acrylic paintings to making your own throws and cushions, the options are well and truly endless. If you do a quick search online, you will see that there are lots of different craft activities for all ages. Maybe you could start by involving the entire family in an Easter-based craft?

Read a book – If you are one of those people that likes to read but you feel like you never have the time to do so, now is the time! Get stuck into the book that you have always wanted to read and enjoy some you time!

As you can see, there are a number of different ways that you can keep your mind and body busy while you are in household lockdown. We hope that you have found some suggestions that appeal to you so that you can make the most of this time while you’re stuck at home.

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Last Update: Monday, 6th April 2020