My little angel is growing and growing, you can see it evidently in her words, actions and height. She is definitely going to have a beautiful figure when she is older: slim and legs to die for. Her hair defines her at the moment, it is growing long and curly and without it down and whirly, it just doesn’t seem like Isla. Here is what has been going on this month:


Isla Words

Her confidence is still oozing through, she is so upfront with things. She will happily say hello to everyone and anyone, she is a little chatterbox with people that she is familiar with. Don’t get me wrong she is very shy if she doesn’t know you, but from my perspective, she is a little chatterbox. Full of smiles, laughter, silly faces and beauty. She is continuing to learn new words and she is picking up sentences from her surroundings. You can hear things that she says, that she has picked up from particular people, things that I would not personally say. Both children have picked up “really well” from nursery, so “I have eaten really well, Mummy” is something they say a lot. Isla likes to tell me when she has done something, it usually follows with “I did it really well”. So cute. She has such vibrancy to her tone of voice, she will be a great story reader when she grows up.


Play time

This little princess loves all things girlie, which I love: dressing up, reading stories, playing princesses, drawing and annoying her older brother of course. She will happily play, you can see that she is in her own little dream world now. You could picture the scenario she has created all around her when she plays, the way she looks at things and the words she uses when playing. It is beautiful to watch. She loves her building blocks still, they play with Duplo on a daily basis. They build all kinds of things, mainly towers and aeroplanes. Rarely do I see Isla playing on her own, she likes to be doing something with someone – she is a very social little person. Like her Mummy!



They play together, talk together, learn together and annoy each other in the same ways as they did last month. It hasn’t got any better or worse to be honest. I am just hopeful that soon they will stop hurting each other so much – it is horrible seeing them biting one another or making the other cry. I do hope it doesn’t last. It breaks my heart. The poor little ones, especially when it’s little Isla with her bottom lip hanging low and the tears flowing uncontrollably. We do a lot as a family and I know that there will come a day when they will be best buddies everyday.


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Isla Rae,

Last Update: Sunday, 10th August 2014