It’s not very often, but every other month or so me & hubby make the most of our time together as a couple & do Date Night! This week we went to Strada for a lovely Italian meal and drove back in the snow.

Every Thursday little Noah stays at Nanny & Grandads, so we have a night to ourselves… I think it’s important that we get us time and on the other hand Noah gets time with his grandparents. It must make him independent. Because he’s been going there since he was a few months old, we’ve never had any trouble getting him to sleep anywhere. Which is good !


This was Noah asleep at Nannas & Willow thought he’d snuggle with him! šŸ™‚ Pets are cute! Noah has the weekend with the pets & Nanny & Grandad. Lucky little boy.

We’re off to enjoy a spa weekend at Champney’s today, so I’m looking forward to relaxing & doing a lot of not much! It’s needed.

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Last Update: Saturday, 11th February 2012