I am very proud of one of my bestest friends Zaria and her husband Dan, who are currently cooking a little play mate for Noah! Due 15th December.

As a nice congratulations present, i brought them www.babybettles.com, so Zaria can keep us all up to date with how shes doing and how the bump is progressing.

Love you Zaria! xx

As for Noah, he is getting clever’er by the hour I am sure. We had a nice long walk this afternoon and covered about 6miles, he is starting to wave now which is fun… The crawling is getting there, bum is still in the air and he rocks on his knees – hes getting stronger.

I am looking forward to our holiday next week, he will have lots of attention and hoping lots of chances to perfect his crawl!

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Last Update: Tuesday, 7th June 2011