Currently holidaying with The Constant family and we have hit marker 34 weeks… Been doing lots of walking, eating and resting which is fabulous. I combatted Clovelly at 8 months pregnant, which made me a very happy girlie!! We went to Woolacombe bay and then Ilfracombe today, I started getting braxton hicks early evening whilst sitting in the harbour. They are getting a little more uncomfortable now. Not long to go though. Fingers crossed Baby C holds on for another 3 weeks so I can use the waterpool… Only found out last week I can’t use it before, eepers!

Midwife appointment went well last week, growing nicely, we are the exact measurement now, so Baby has done some growing since our last appointment.

Next time I see the midwife will be next Fri, I’m sure I’ll have a million questions for her by then.

Current weight is unknown as no scales here but you saw the 33 week weight. Yoga was also cancelled last week, looking forward to it next week though. Breathing exercises will come in handy I’m sure.

I guess the countdown begins now…. Could be “anyday” which is scary but exciting at the same time!!

Looking forward to the baby shower at the weekend and seeing everyone I love and who’ll love our little baby lots and lots… Exciting times ahead.

From all of us here in Devon…

– Posted from my iPhone

Location:Bideford,United Kingdom

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Last Update: Tuesday, 21st September 2010