A recent survey by Allergy UK found that 78 per cent of respondents believe that they are sensitive to different allergens such as house dust mites, pets, moulds and pollens as well as products that come into contact with their skin such as plants and household cleaners. With Spring approaching, it is a good time to address these concerns and start the year literally with a clean state.

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Research shows that our home environment is full of in-home triggers that can cause skin irritations and respiratory problems. To get rid of these domestic problems such as mould or dust we tend to use toxic cleaning products that potentially could bring yet another threat to our health.

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Spotless Organic, London’s premier organic, eco friendly, green cleaning company, says spring cleaning is an ideal way to minimise the in-house health risks and put the freshness back into the home for the year ahead. The company sets a brand-new standard for cleaning and employs techniques that revive traditional household management services.  Employees carry out an in-depth sanitisation of properties, using purely organic products that contain no parabens to eliminate the threat of becoming ill from toxic reagents.


Hannah Jackson-Matombe aka The Modern Ms Beeton, who founded Spotless Organic, says: “A daily dust over furniture and surfaces does not guarantee a dirt-free home. We find ourselves living with moths, carpet beetles, bed bugs and more. Seasonal green deep cleaning is extremely important to get rid of these domestic problems that often become sources of eczema and can increase asthma and hives.”

The system developed by Spotless Organic for its green deep cleaning starts with an initial consultation when Hannah visits the client’s property to discuss their requirements. After examining the house from top to bottom, she presents her detailed findings in a report to demonstrate how the cleaning will be performed. Once all the details are agreed, a highly professional smartly dressed team gets to work aiming to meet the needs of the customer perfectly. The team uses the company’s own range of non toxic cleaning products, which carry out the job effectively and remove the potential health risks from harmful chemicals. To ensure a thorough clean, all employees work in the same space at the same time and use more than 200 lint-free cloths to prevent bacterial contamination onto different worktops. After a professional deep clean, it is only necessary to wipe down the interior of your home with water and soap daily.


Here are five main tips from Spotless Organic on how to green deep clean your home effectively:

  1. Minimise the use of harsh cleaning chemicals. They can be an obstacle for you to stay healthy as well as significantly pollute the environment.
  2. Don’t use the same cloth for different surfaces. Utilise as many cleaning materials and sponges as possible to avoid transferring harmful elements.
  3. Try getting into every small corner of your home. These places turn into nests for moths, dust mites and bugs.
  4. Do a green deep clean at least every three months to ensure nothing in your home threatens your health.
  5. Many hands make light work – seek help from friends and relatives to achieve the best results from your clean.

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Last Update: Wednesday, 16th October 2019