Domu, VonHaus, have challenged me to a 14 day cleaning challenge covering a wide range of activities across the home. Resulting in a nice tidy house at the end of it. I love a challenge and this one is perfect for right now as our house is all upside down and needs a good clean. Here is day 8…

Day 8

Take everything off the sideboards, shelves and get dusting!

You have to love a good ole dusting. Well, no actually I don’t. It is the one task that I hate to do, namely because I am highly allergic to dust. So when I clean the sides the dust is disrupted and then I sneeze for hours. Sometimes I have to take antihistamines just to clean. It’s ridiculous. We are trying to minimise what we have out on the sides so that there are less things to attract dust. It’s amazing what you can collect though.

It is nice to see the shiny sideboards and have everything smelling clean. It’s just such a shame that this particular task comes with a lot of discomfort for me. One of our sideboards is just this funky lamp – we love it. We knew it would look cool in our new home.

How often do you dust? Do you take everything on the sides or dust around it? I do that sometimes! I like to avoid the dust but avoiding it is as bad as cleaning it. I cannot win!

I would love to know in the comments below or on social media: @mummyconstant.

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Cleaning hacks, Our Home,

Last Update: Friday, 31st January 2020