Domu, VonHaus, have challenged me to a 14 day cleaning challenge covering a wide range of activities across the home. Resulting in a nice tidy house at the end of it. I love a challenge and this one is perfect for right now as our house is all upside down and needs a good clean. Here is day 3…

Day 3

Empty and clean fridge freezer – don’t forget the kitchen cupboards!

It feels nice to empty everything and put it back again in a clean area. The fridge quickly gets messy with crumbs and bits of fresh food that we buy. Broccoli, potatoes, carrots, parsnips – we have a fresh food tray that we keep this kind of food in and the crumbs soon mount up. I am glad this challenge prompted me to wipe the fridge down.

If you have a lot of things in the cupboards you could do a cupboard a day or blitz it all at the weekend. It felt rather satisfying to see all of the cupboards nice and clean. Again, I used a trusty antibacterial wipe. I love these as I find it more hygienic to throw it away once I finished with it. I go through a lot of them during the week!

Voila! Do you clean out the cupboards and fridge often? I would love to know in the comments below or on social media: @mummyconstant.

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Cleaning hacks, Our Home,

Last Update: Friday, 31st January 2020