I am really enjoying #SnapHappyBritMums as I love taking photos, I think its great BritMums are running a fun daily photography themed challenge. Every day there is a new prompt for a photo with a new theme and you take a photo to represent your “interpretation” of that theme. It is great seeing everyone’s different ideas. Just search on Twitter and Instagram with the hashtag #SnapHappyBritMums!
Today’s theme is…
I saw this theme keyword and immediately thought about all the things we invest in when we get kids, bank accounts etc but I also see things like the toys we buy investments. They learn, grow and develop with them and we can sell them on without loosing too much – we gain a whole lot more from them in the long run. Today we had Noah’s friends from “bumphood” over and they all played so nicely (for the majority) with the toys, it made me very happy…