Talking, Counting, understanding and general development is getting better and better, a lot more focused and as we are learning to talk more and more, the tantrums are getting less and less. Which is great. I find our current issue is motivating him.
Noah Sentences
We are definitely making more sense now, well to me he is, he is still copying keywords that you say mid sentence, or words you emphasis more. Mummy and Daddy have to be careful on their choice of words now! He has had a busy month what with Isla’s birthday next month and the being around family and friends a lot, it has all been aiding the talking process. He listens to everything, everyone is saying and I can see it in his face that he is just processing it all and one day soon he will burst with words and phrases.
Counting is pretty much under the belt now from 1 – 10, Grandad and Nanny have started to mention other words above 10 and we watch the numtums episode when they go up to 20. It is just a case of practicing pronunciation of the numbers and counting things with him, getting him to count different items and then we can start doing things like taking an item away and asking him how many are left.
Toddler Tantrums
We have had very few tantrums this month, which is incredible. Everyone has been noticing that his behaviour is getting better by the day and I am guessing this is linked into the fact his speaking is improving. He can make himself understood better and when you say to him “I dont know what you said” he looks at you, as if he is thinking “how can I say that properly?” Its an amazing development stage and to be honest, its quite fun too. Getting him to say words, or encouraging to say things and learn things, its great fun.
Play has become a lot more constructive, he loves his Happyland train set more than life, he has now learnt to join up the track pieces so that the train does a circuit. He must have been watching us over the months and realised what he needed to do. He wakes up, builds a train track and plays with it all morning, he really does love it. We are encouraging him to play with more challenging toys now as well, like puzzles and shape sorting. We make playtime fun but educational too – which I think sis quite important.
Potty Training
We are going to Potty train Noah next month when I am on leave, we have the Pourty ready and waiting, stickers and a sticker book – so it will be all systems go on my annual leave week at the start of May.
Sibling Love
This just gets better and better, they really do love eachother and although Noah can still be a bit boystrous to her, deep down he loves her. He is always asking after her when she isn’t in the room, he will talk to her and ask her questions and he is starting to share the toys a lot better now too which is great.