I still cannot believe that Isla was that small that she could only just fit into a size 1 nappy, but she was! Huggies newborn range are just perfect for newborns – they do exactly what they say on the packet… Not only do they feel extremely soft, but they are designed especially for your brand new babies. The newborn range is made from Organic cotton, they have the umbilical cord cut away section, they protect against leaks and they have a wetness indicator.

As you can see the newborn size 1 nappies have the umbilical cord area cut away, this is to stop the nappy from irritating your baby and to stop it from rubbing against the cord and possibly knocking it off sooner than its ready. This means that your babies cord can fall off when its ready and allows the belly button to heal naturally. The wetness indicator is a line that runs along the bottom of the nappy from front to back, when its ready to be changed it shows you! They fit really well around the belly and the top of the legs so that there is the most protection against leaks, we all know that baby poop is quite runny and the last thing you need on a visit to Grandma is an all-change because of a leaky nappy. I have never experienced any leaks with these nappies and I have therefore never had to worry about changing all of Isla’s clothes. The nappies are really good and they really do feel soft, like cotton, I love the Huggies brand – they have thought about everything and really look after your baby.

The Huggies newborn range come in sizes 1 – 3 and fit baby’s weighing 4 to 20lb. Isla is 5 months old and just moving up to size 3, which seem so big compared to the size 1’s. Its amazing how quickly they grow, but how adaptable the Huggies newborn range are.

MummyConstant’s Nappy Summary

Fit: They fit perfectly on Isla, even when she was first born weighing just shy of 6lb. They fit comfortably around the leg and belly, without leaving marks – so they weren’t too tight and not too loose that they leaked. I don’t quite understand how Huggies have got it so right, but they have.

Style: The Huggies range have the Winnie the Pooh characters on them and this is true for the newborn range too. They are a unisex design so they are perfect for little pink bundles as well as the blue ones and who doesn’t love Winnie the Pooh? They feel cottony soft and you know that they are going to be comfortable for your baby.

Ease: They are so easy to put on your baby, even now Isla is 5 months and wriggling around in her size 3’s – they are still easy to put on and get done up before its too late or they are round her ankles (which can happen changing Noah!). They wrap up easily when soiled too, so you can put them in a nappy bag really quickly and get them in the bin.

For more information, competitions and the fab Huggies Club, go to the Huggies website: http://www.huggiesclub.co.uk/products. You can like them on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/HuggiesclubUK and follow them on Twitter too http://twitter.com/#!/Huggies_UK.