The Two Fairies at Marks & Spencer sent Isla a lovely Christmas parcel to make her very own Christmas tree angel decoration and we just had a whole lot of sticky fun making them. But our Christmas tree looks very special.
The kit came with instructions on how to make the angels and all the crafty bits necessary to make them, Isla wanted to make a white one and so Mummy decided to make a purple one. She really got into it, she drew the angels face, stuck the pom pom dress on and she enjoyed sticking the gems on her wings, especially sticking the gems all over her own top too! It was great fun and I just enjoyed every minute of our crafting session. The core purpose behind making these decorations is for the kids to then attach a tag (provided on the template) upon which they will write a recent act of kindness they have performed for someone else. Once they have created their decoration, we will invite them to bring it to their nearest Marks and Spencer store where they will all be collected and then used for a very special cause in a fantastic act of kindness that will be revealed before Christmas. Our angels are looking after the top of our Christmas tree at the moment until we can make it to our nearest Marks & Spencer store.
What do you need to make your very own angels?
You will need an American style wooden peg, felt for the wings, wool for the pom pom dress, gems for the decorations and a lot of sticky glue to put it all together – all of which you can buy online. You can download the template from the Marks and Spencer website here:
In the bottom of the box was also crafty bits to make a Christmas decoration, so in true Isla fashion she took everything she could and stuck it on to her very own bauble, whilst Mummy made a felt bauble all by herself. I loved it. So did Isla. She just adores making a mess. I want to say a massive thank you to Marks and Spencer or giving us the inspiration and the bits we needed to make our decorations, it was lovely Mummy/daughter time.
Isla’s recent act of kindness was to share her toys with her big brother, who was not sharing his toys beforehand. For a two year old this was pretty amazing.