Let’s begin with a line from a famous song, “I don’t care what the weatherman says, if the weatherman says it’s rainin’, you’ll never hear me complainin’”. Wind and rain is the end of all weekend plans. You work all week, and the kids go to school, only for the skies to turn dark grey and reward you with 48 hours of miserable blustery downpours. If only someone were in charge of the weather to whom we could lodge a complaint. Or having a weather remote control; now there’s an idea. However, having ideas for those indoor rainy day needs is always nice to have in the back pocket!

But the weekend waits for no one. It’ll soon be here. Come rain or more rain, you’re going to have to get through it. Let’s look at some indoor rainy day ideas to keep the family entertained.

Toys can turn any frown upside down

Kids love to own things. And if the things they are given custody of happens to be toys, all the better. Bright ones, shiny ones, ones that go beep boop, it’s all more than welcome (check out cool toys for girls and boys for inspiration). 

The great thing about toys is that they don’t break the bank. You can stock up on everything from construction sets and arty bits to board games and dolls and keep things to one side in case of a rained-off weekend. There’s literally no end to the possibilities. Group games, electronic gadgets, collectables – whatever your child is into, you can buy a few hours of peace on a rainy weekend by surprising them with something you know they’ll love.

Kids cuisine (& baking!)

Children want to be in the kitchen. They want to help you prepare dinner and pour the drinks. That affinity you feel now towards your favourite dishes began at a young age. From mixing bowls and licking the spoon to cooked breakfasts and sugary treats, kids’ cuisine doesn’t need to be difficult. Even if you’re not exactly a dab hand in the kitchen yourself, a cursory look online will reveal simple recipes for pancakes and stir fry and all kinds of other things that mean rolling your sleeves up and getting stuck in. 

It may only be a popular idea for an hour or so, but that’s an hour well spent (and you get to eat the food at the end of all your hard work!).

Movie marathons 

Do you know what kids absolutely adore? Repetition. Do you know what kids absolutely adore? Repetition. Do you know what … Ha, sorry.
It’s true. Children love to be told what they’re about to be told. Then they like to hear it. Then they like to be told what they’ve just been told. A great way to make use of this trait is through movie marathons. Everything from the many superhero flicks and the Toy Story back catalogue to the Harry Potter series and Star Wars franchise offers repetition. The same characters. Coming back. Over and over. It’s a goldmine of entertainment. Your only problem will be cleaning up all the popcorn from between the cushions on the sofa.

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Last Update: Monday, 17th May 2021