It’s so easy to be making blogging mistakes in your regular blog posts. Often, people make them without even realising, when there are a lot of common ones that could be easily avoided. It’s often the case that, once you know how to get rid of them, you’ll sail through and get a reasonable engagement with each article. So, I am going to outline a few common mistakes to make when blogging, and how to solve them. 

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What Interests Your Audience?

Firstly, when you start to blog you’ll often be flooded with ideas on what to write. Consequentially, your blog may be just focussed on you and what you like as a person. However, when owning and writing for a business, you’ll quickly find that there are minimal other readers. If you personally love everything feminism, that’s great, but think in the shoes of your brand for a second. What does your brand love, what does your brand stand for? If it’s nothing to do with feminism, and only loosely connects, then scrap it. When writing a blog post, you need to think as if you are the company. 

Additionally, remember that you are (or should be) primarily blogging so your company can grow! Henceforth, really, all of your blog posts should co-incide with that one idea. Ask yourself what your company’s growth goals are, and try and use that as a good base for each blog post your write. Obviously, everything should be very subtly connected to the area that your business lies in. For example, the posts should talk about the industry as a whole, and express questions for the reader to ask themselves. 

What Does Your Company Sound Like?

When you’ve only been writing a short time, it is easy to get carried away with using your voice. Once you’ve found your flow in writing, and have a specific style you tend to write in, it’s so easy to just roll with it and use it in every blog post. However, tying back to the previous point about topics that suit your brand, the voice in which you write with must be your brand, too. In the same way you want your blog posts to speak and interest your audience, your tone of voice needs to do the same. You need to singlehandedly convince your reader to do whatever you wish them to do, whether it be to take action against a cause, or simply help improve something in society. 

In the same way, you do not want to strip your style completely from your writing. Remember, your audience is not wanting to read blog posts that sound like a machine has written them. People connect to other humans, and you simply won’t get the engagement if this human element is not in each article. It is best to work somewhere in between, not using your voice in the way you write or the topics you cover, but remaining that chatty, human quality to writing which brings in the engagement. 

Stick To The Point 

It is actually very hard to learn how to write concisely. It’s definately a skill which I’ve learnt the hard way, but i’ve found that my posts are so much more efficient since I have learnt it. In the same style as an essay, you have a general point in which you are making in a blog post. So, you introduce it, give evidence for it, discuss it, and then conclude. I have read so many blog posts which diverge away from the point, to the extent that I don’t know what the post is meant to be about. An easy way to avoid this is planning. If you plan, rather than rely on your stream of consciousness, you will avoid repeating the same point again and again. Ultimately, you are trying to sell your business or company, and increase engagement. Remember, as I said earlier, each blog post should have some tie in to your area of business, whether that’s the problems they are facing or how to help divert against them. 


Using evidence is another sure way to increase your engagement on blog posts and your company as a whole. If you simply write your article, with no supporting evidence or facts, your audience are simply reading your company’s opinion on an area. There are several ways you can back up your point. Firstly, you can incorporate data into your sentences. Using percentages etc can make your post much more believable, and therefore the engagement will increase. An easy way in which you can do this is to use data to bring in your argument right at the beginning. 

Get Your Technology Up To Scratch

As well as the style of writing, and what to put in it, you also need to make sure your IT strategy is able to accommodate to your business and its growth. In order to achieve maximum engagement on your blog posts, you first need to make sure that all of your IT is perfectly aligned to the fundamental needs of your business. As blog posts need to always be written with the idea of promoting your business goals, your IT strategy needs to achieve this as well. Henceforth, choosing your IT company is perhaps the most important thing to consider when promoting and writing for a company, as it ensures the smooth running of your business. 

In conclusion, there are many different things to bear in mind when writing a blog post for your company. Often, the conception for blogging is that it is just sitting at a desk and writing, but in order to run a successful business, it is so much more than that. To be successful, you need to carefully consider how you write your posts, what you put in them, how you structure them, but also the technology which enables them to be posted. 

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Last Update: Wednesday, 25th August 2021