I was recently made aware of a campaign that the NHS are running called #Selfcare. It is basically highlighting to families that you do not need to go to the doctors every time something is wrong. You can treat yourselves for minor ailments with over the counter medicines. I for one, being a working Mum of two do not find the time during the “doctors hours” to visit and grab medications. It is easier for me to go to the Pharmacy at the Supermarket – that’s open until late into the evening.

Here are some useful tips to help parents like me, assess the situation from home and self care. After all, that would save us time and money, not forgetting convenience: 

Suspension Paracetamol and Ibuprofen

Aches and pains, colds and fevers are very common in children. Up until recently, I didn’t realise the difference between Paracetamol and Ibuprofen. When your child has a fever, it means their temperature has raised above 38° C, it’s the bodies way of naturally reacting to an infection. Most young children can tolerate a low fever without medicine and are really responsive to just water. Paracetamol can be used to treat mild to moderate pain and fever in children. Paracetamol has only a minimal effect on inflammation (redness, swelling). Whereas, Ibuprofen is a common anti inflammatory, but it isn’t steroid based. Ibuprofen may also be used to treat mild to moderate pain and fever. Unlike paracetamol, ibuprofen can also reduce inflammation.

Do not give your child Paracetamol and Ibuprofen at the same time. Unless your doctor tells you to do that. Usually you alternate them, 2 hours apart. I had to do this with Noah when he twisted his ankle on a slide at Whipsnade Zoo. It was to help control the pain, as he couldn’t walk and to control the swelling of his ankle.

Please remember: never EVER exceed the dosage on the label. Details are on the boxes and on the side of the bottle. They tell you exactly what to give your child, broken down into specific ages too.

Piriteze for children

To combat Hayfever, or any allergy, Piriteze is my new favourite over the counter medicine. It is a banana flavoured liquid and really helps get to the bottom of whatever is annoying your child. The syrup is for over 6 year olds, so I have been able to use it with Noah whilst he has had chicken pox. It has helped relieve the itching sensation from the spots. It has worked wonders. Isla has allergies like me, we react to washing powders and shampoos easily. So having this in the medicine cupboard will be essential when she turns 6.

Now something that is not quite self help, but more of a preventative is vaccinations. Below are some useful tips for Mums-to-be and parents with small children:

Flu vaccination 

Did you know that 6 month – 2 year olds are eligible for the flu vaccination? Not only does the flu vaccination protect your child, but it also protects your family. It prevents flu from entering your home, therefore protecting more vulnerable members of the family. It isn’t a jab for the little ones either, it’s a handy nasal spray. 

Also, expectant Mums. It is encouraged by the NHS that all expectant Mums and their partners get the vaccination. Did you know the flu jab is the safest way to help protect you and your baby? It’s free because you need it, however many months pregnant you are and however fit and healthy you might feel.


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family, Fitness,

Last Update: Thursday, 19th July 2018