Do you ever find there are some days when the kids just need some fresh air? It’s always good to get them out, even if it’s for 30 minutes. Getting fresh air and exercise, even if it’s for 30 minutes after school, is great for a healthy lifestyle. There are lots of things you can do that make it fun too! Being fit and healthy doesn’t need to be hard work. 

Learning to ride a bike

Noah is now up and running on his bike, he used his stabilisers for a good few months to grasp the pedals and learning to balance properly. Then we took away his stabilisers and had a few sessions on the grass. That was all it took. Now we can go on bike rides with Noah on his own bike, it’s great fun. He actually bikes quite far without complaint, we did 9 miles in half term and I was really impressed. Isla is learning to ride her bike with stabilisers, she will soon have the balance sorted and be able to ride along with us too. She has a new bike to aim for after all! 

Scooting around 

This is something that the children learnt to do right from an early age. It is easier to balance on a scooter than a bike, so children can often do this from walking age. The first scooter we owned had a seat on it, so that the kids could learn to balance on the scooter without too much trouble. Now it’s like second nature to them, they zoom up and down the cycle paths. We scooted 8 miles in one go last summer, it was great fun. 

Learning to skate

This can be slightly more challenging than learning to ride a bike or scooter. I think it is important to get the right skates from the outset. There are so many different styles of skates, but for the younger ones expandable skates like the ones Isla has from Proline Skates, are a great way to allow room for growth. This requires a bit more dedication from the grown ups and children, but a lot of fun in the process. 

Exploring on foot

As we all know, the British weather can be rather unpredictable. Have you ever thought, when it is raining outside, let’s get our wellies on and splash around? It is really de-stressing (as a grown up and kid) to get outside and have fun splashing in the muddy puddles. Just going out for a walk, breathing in that fresh air and going on a mini adventure can be great fun and healthy to boot. 

If you have any other ideas of fun activities to do with the children to keep their little hearts and minds healthy, I would love to hear about them in the comments… 


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Last Update: Thursday, 19th July 2018