As I mentioned on Monday, the midwife booked me in for more of my favourite things today: blood tests. Apparently the lab wouldn’t take my last lot of blood because the name on the label did not have an S in my surname, so I had to have more done today.

I hate blood tests as you have probably grown to know by now, but it was an opportunity to see the midwife and have the appointment that I felt I’d missed out on Monday because I was so busy keeping an eye on Noah I didn’t concentrate on what the midwife was saying nor what was going on with número 2. Sorry bump!

Turns out that the lovely midwife is friends with my friend Oriole, and by way of taking my mind off of having bloods taken, she mentioned that she knew Oriole (I’m guessing they’d spoken about me because oriole is also a midwife at the same hospital and was pregnant) I say was because they had their baby boy last week and when I was lying there thinking about how not to faint, my midwife told me the news about their baby arriving into the world. As you can imagine it took my mind off of fainting, needles in my arm and all I could think about was how incredibly brave Oriole was for home birthing and using a water pool…

I guess you could say that it broke the ice and a whole 30 mins of Sonia blabbering came out of my mouth, I felt sorry for the midwife when I left. But a lot of things discussed were things that had been worrying me for some time now and it was so great to get them off of my chest.

I mentioned about the birth I had last time with Noah, instruments and medication are the things that have been worrying me. Now as we all know these babies will come when they want to and we can’t predict how it will happen, but I was reassured that second time around it should be easier and quicker, because my body is aware of what happened before with Noah. Things have stretched and the path has been laid so to speak, so the chances of ventouse and cuts are a lot smaller this time around, so that made me feel reassured. She also discussed other pain relief options with me, I told her about how I felt with Noah and a combination of being completely out of it and Noah being taken to special care unit for his first few hours, I felt a little stripped of the magical moment where you meet your baby for the first time. She said that pethadine does have that effect and would have made me feel very drunk and not with it, which would be why I do not remember a lot of the event and quite possibly why I feel like I don’t remember much to do with the first moments I got with Noah. She described a drug called meptid, which Is similar to pethadine but it will not make me feel so out of it, so I will be a bit more alert when número 2 comes into the world. She said it relaxes you and if the midwives feel I will be delivering within the hour they can give me some of this, so I think I might go with her advice and try that.

This time around, I’ve been warned, will be quicker and probably less eventful, I don’t think people realise just how quickly Noah arrived in this world… Birth was 7 hours after my first contraction, so to think that this time it could be quicker is a little daunting, especially when hubby has weddings booked on the due date and following Saturday. What do i do if I’m home, no car with Noah and things happen…. It panicked me! But I’ve been assured that if I wanted to I can call 999 and they will collect me and Noah in an ambulance… Where I would be taken to hospital and someone can meet us there to collect little man and the other option is a midwife who is on call would come to the house and help deliver the baby from home if it was thought I wouldn’t make it to hospital. Both prospects seem a little daunting and to be honest I just hope that it doesn’t come around to that.

But after my weed moment at the doctors, I went home had a nice cuppa and bag of mini eggs and started to sort my stuff out for hospital bag…. Eek! It’s all becoming real now…


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Isla Rae,

Last Update: Wednesday, 4th April 2012