Autumn is my favourite season, mainly because you get a great mixture of indoor and outdoors. When it’s not raining, we wrap up warm and go outside – collecting leaves or twigs. If it’s raining then we tend to stay inside and do arts and crafts (sticking and glueing as Isla calls it) and when we have these days, Baker Ross comes to the rescue. 


We received lots of fabulous craft items from Baker Ross, fun Halloween goodies which kept us busy during half term and also generic Autumn goodies which we have been using to make fun pictures up. We collected dry, crispy leaves and a few twigs on our recent walk in the woods, then took them home and had a creative session with them. They made up pictures with the leaves, the autumn stickers from Baker Ross and Isla had lots of fun with the dot stickers from the dotty art packs. These are really fun! I’d never seen them before until they arrived in the post. The stickers fit on the sheets to make fab and colourful pictures. Isla and Noah really enjoyed this. They spent ages perfecting their dotty art. 


I love the little bits you can get from Baker Ross and put them all together to make master pieces. For example Isla and Noah used the stickers from dotty art and autumn foam stickers, along with pipe cleaners and autumn nature we found on our walk. They put it all together to make some fab artwork and kept them entertained for a long time. 

What do you do with the autumn nature this time of year? Do you make masterpieces? I would love to hear about them in the comments below, or better still see them… 

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Last Update: Thursday, 10th November 2016