We have been working hard on updating this house over the past 8 months, I still can’t believe we have only been here 8 months. What with all the work that needs doing, including the garden, it is nice to just have a place to sit in comfort and relax. We have been adding a little comfort here and there, including a bean bag armchair.

The thing I love about this bean bag armchair, from Bean Bag Bazaar, is that it works inside and outside. We got it to go outside but when we have extra people over we can put it inside too – it is so versatile. I love the colour of it too – matches our house perfectly. We have recently painted the fences grey so the armchair coordinates with the garden. I really love it.

I can’t really explain it other than you just sit in it and you don’t want to get out. It’s my favourite chair for reading a book in the sunshine. It is also Rambo’s favourite chair too – look at him and his cute little snug face. He had to go to the vets recently, he took a spot in the sun on the armchair and snoozed. Very cute!

The armchair is light, waterproof and the innovative shape means it supports your back and arms, to provide the best posture. It really moulds to your body which makes it truly comfortable. So, whether you are hosting guests in the garden or in the house itself this bean bag is a unique and contemporary solution that is easy to store away for when not in use. I keep ours in the conservatory when we are not in the garden, it looks nice in there too!

What colour bean bag armchair would you choose? I would love to know in the comments below or on social media!

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Last Update: Saturday, 31st August 2019