It is summer and the flowers are beginning to bloom, there are some brilliant colours opening up in the garden at the moment and we are trying again with the little sunflowers as the last batch were eaten by slugs – I am prepared this time, I bought slug pellets (safe ones mind you).

Sunflower bulb

I have started again with the sunflowers and I am using slug pellets this time around, I do not want to loose all of my little creations again, like  I did a few months ago. I have planted a whole pack of sunflower seeds and they are currently germinating in the propagator in the garden. You can see from the photo that they seeds have already started to germinate, they have been out there for 3 days now. I will keep you posted on the growth of these and hopefully they will grow into big tall sunflowers. Yippee.

I love my garden, it is growing all around us everyday and I love the fact that things develop at different times so there is always something magical to look at. First off in our garden was the ceanothus which was a terrific purple colour at the start of spring, it is now a green tree but the flowers are all starting to bloom and it just looks amazing out there. There is an array of yellows, pinks, blues and white and I just love to look at it and think to myself that I did that. Mainly from bulbs but I have also had the odd cutting from my Mum, Grandma and Uncle which are all doing very well in the garden too. I know my Grandad would be proud. The buddleia is a cutting from my Mum’s garden and it is doing really well, I am hoping that by next Spring it will be large and next summer it will display beautiful colours and bring in all the butterflies.


Buddleia shoot

Buddleia shoot

So what do I have growing in my garden: as you can see from the gallery images, this month the flowers are all starting to bloom and there are some beautiful colours coming through. The Dianthus is a lovely pale pink. The Poppy has come through and it looks like a pink fizz variety, which looks like it is all tassley. The liatris spicata is growing nicely, it looks really tall now so I am hoping that it will flower very soon and show off its bright purple top. The oxalis deppei has flowered and the leaves just look so different in comparison to other plants, its a nice change to the other flowers. I have a collection of nice bright, orange Calendula. The whole packet of seeds seems to have grown up quite nicely which is great. The Calla Lily is doing really well too, its rather large and I am hoping it will burst with a nice orange colour over the next few weeks. I think the favourite at the moment has to be the Gladiola’s, they are just dominating the “Look at me” show, they are a striking pink and look absolutely stunning. I planted bulbs sporadically around the garden and then an entire bed of them by the conservatory. The ones at the far end of the garden are beginning to flower, whilst the bed are still growing. They will look amazing when they are all in flower. They brighten up the garden a lot – Noah loves them. He gets so excited about the flowers growing, it is nice to see. The roses are beginning to come through and hopefully by the end of the month the white rose bush will dominate that flower bed.

oxalis deppei

oxalis deppei

Orange Calendula

Orange Calendula

Love in the mist - blue and white

Love in the mist – blue and white

Gladioal in full bloom

Gladioal in full bloom

Gladioal in full bloom

Gladioal in full bloom

Gladioal in full bloom

Gladioal in full bloom

Gladioal in full bloom

Gladioal in full bloom

Gladioal in full bloom

Gladioal in full bloom


Canna Lily

Canna Lily

Canna Lily

Canna Lily

DSC_4917 DSC_4916

Young Gladiola bed

Young Gladiola bed

Yellow rose bush

Yellow rose bush

Yellow rose bush - my late Grandads favourite flower

Yellow rose bush – my late Grandads favourite flower

Poppy heads - near to flowering. Pink Fizz variety.

Poppy heads – near to flowering. Pink Fizz variety.

liatris spicata - near to flowering

liatris spicata – near to flowering

Gladiola - almost in full bloom.

Gladiola – almost in full bloom.

White rose bush

White rose bush





Gladioal in full bloom

Gladiola in full bloom


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Last Update: Thursday, 17th July 2014