It’s amazing how much difference a bright, fresh rug can make to a room. We haven’t really done much to our living room yet, we have been focussing on other rooms, so when we were offered the chance to review a rug from Land of Rugs, we jumped at the chance.

Everyone loves a before and after, so I have taken the liberty of documenting the journey of renovating and updating our house since we moved in back in January 2019.

Here is the Living Room when we first moved in, we stripped the wallpaper off and gave it a lick of white, clean, paint. We still have the curtains up and carpet down, but until we decide what to do with it – it’s not bad condition.

We then moved all of the furniture in and it started to feel a little more like home. It’s funny as we have just taken items from one house to the other, in a sense it doesn’t look any different. But then we have the fireplace! Hmmmm.

So this is what it looks like in our living room now, with our new Bronte Rug from Land of Rugs. The Bronte traditional Indian rug is calming, the pattern and light colours make it feel more homely. It’s so easy to clean too, made from 100% wool it can be cleaned easily. We have always had shaggy rugs in the living room and they are very difficult to keep clean – so I was so happy when I vacuumed this one. The other thing I like about this rug is that it is hardwearing, which is perfect for a family home. We have small kids and pets, it definitely needs to be hardwearing.

I love it. This rug is currently on sale too, so for the size we received which is 120 x 170 cm it is £99. We will not be changing the floors for a while, so I wanted something that would brighten up the room in the meantime. Our next step is to remove the fire, fireplace and to create cupboard space either side of the chimney breast. We always need storage! I love the look in old Victorian properties, so thought I would recreate it in here.

We received this rug in exchange for my honest opinion of the product and company. All imagery is my own.

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Last Update: Tuesday, 4th June 2019