I took some leave last Friday to spend the day with the little ones and we had a little playdate with our friends. It was a great morning, we went to “Brampton Beach” which is currently at Frosts garden centre and it is a fantastic idea! The children loved it and us Mummies managed a cup of tea without leaving half of it to go cold. I love summer days like this, where you can go somewhere and enjoy the outdoors, with friends and be happy.
There is a large sand pit which is just perfect of the children to build sand castles in, there was a punch and judy type of puppet show stand in the middle which the children loved playing peekaboo in. There was fake grass to the right of the sandpit with noughts and crosses game on it and a lot of lovely large bean bags for the litte ones to relax on. They loved it. We live about 2 hours from the beach, which isn’t that far in the grand scheme of things but not so easy to just nip to and have a play in the sand, so these beaches are a great set up for families to enjoy a flavour of the beach. The chilren really did love it and it was a lot of fun. I really liked the fact there was a security person on hand too, keeping an eye on the children and the equipment. Good idea!
My favourite bit was the decked area, with the beach hut back drop and what look like they could be palm trees – if you use your imagination. It was the perfect scene for some photos and the kids had fun jumping around for 5 minutes whilst I snapped away. It was a gorgeous day and a happy one.