I know it was horrible not being able to spend the holidays with our loved ones, well, loved ones outside of our households. However, there were some elements of the Christmas break that I really enjoyed. It was a lot more quiet than normal, which felt very odd. Isn’t it funny how you get into traditions and habits, then when they are broken it can feel quite daunting? Here are some things that I did take away from our quiet Christmas…

We could wear matching clothes

You may recall our fun Christmas photo by the tree on Instagram, wearing our matching Christmas PJ’s from Shinesty. Well, because we didn’t have visitors – we could wear what we liked. And, we decided to wear our fun PJ’s a lot. Usually we would all wear our best on Christmas Day and Boxing Day, this year we didn’t really make that effort. It is nice to have a reason to get dressed up, it makes you feel good, however it is also nice to wear fun PJ’s all day long too!

Shinesty PJs

We didn’t travel anywhere

So, on a normal Christmas period we would travel a lot of miles in the car. Going from one household to the next, sometimes 2 in a day. Seeing a huge number of people in that time too. Obviously we couldn’t last Christmas and I did driveway deliveries and posted what I could. It was nice not to have to drive everywhere, it meant Daddy could have a beer and not worry about getting us all home – as we were home!

Cleaning was minimal

Every Christmas we alternate between Christmas Day and Boxing Day with my family or Daddy’s family – to make it fair. We, more often than not, host at least 1 of those days and have had anywhere up to 16 people in the house for Christmas dinner. It’s really wonderful having a full house, but wow is it messy. Being quite house proud I like to have it tidy before my guests arrive, but then there is a lot of cleaning up to do afterwards too. This year I didn’t have that, which kind of had me feeling at a loose end! It was a small positive to pick out of the fact we missed our family so much.

What are your favourite things about the quiet Christmas? I would love to know in the comments below… are you going to do the same this year or are you going to put a lot more effort in to make it a big banggggg of a Christmas celebration? Enjoy the outdoor family adventures together and closeness.

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Our Family,

Last Update: Tuesday, 15th June 2021