It’s almost a year since the coronavirus pandemic struck the entire world and closed off our borders. Instead of a globalised world, the start of the new decade ushered in a regression of nations, where people get slowly killed off by a virus that we never saw coming. Despite this gloomy outlook, of course, we can’t deny how the pandemic has allowed us to adapt and grow inward and reflect on the life we had and currently have amid everything that’s been going on.

So for this article, allow me to share with you 8 things the pandemic has made me appreciate this year.

  1. Me and my family’s health

So often do we take for granted the choices we must make in terms of our health. And I bet that you, too, have started thinking about your health seriously, along with your loved ones. I’ve spent weeks obsessing over my current state, almost feeling a bit of paranoia with every small symptom that could possibly mean that I have the virus. Thankfully, me and my family are still COVID-free and I want to keep it that way.

In order to do so, I strictly adhere to every public health standard that’s currently available. I also make sure to prepare healthy meals and exercise even just for a few minutes each day. Through this practice, I learned to appreciate just how prepared my body was for the Corona. I am thankful I was in good shape when all this started.

  1. My work from home job

One of the biggest impacts of the pandemic, aside from the health aspect, is in terms of livelihood. Millions of people around the world have been temporarily or permanently laid off as businesses shut down left and right due to the restrictions imposed on travel and shipment amid the health crisis.

For those who kept their jobs just like me, it was, of course, better than nothing, even though it was rough transitioning into a remote work setup. Still, I am thankful for that every day.

  1. Having insurance

This one is also connected to the health aspect of the pandemic, but also the financial part. While I do worry that me and my family might contract the virus at some point, I worry less because I know that we are protected come what may. I appreciate the discipline that me and my husband had in terms of our finances that allowed us to save up for medical insurance that would cover health issues in the event that it happens.

  1. Home improvements

When we didn’t have anywhere else to go, we turned back to our homes. I am grateful for my home and everything I was able to do in it. It has become our personal sanctuary and all in one place where we can work, play, relax, and have fun.

I showed appreciation for my dwelling place through engaging in several home improvement projects that made our house feel extra special and cozy and you can do the same, too! Might I suggest small projects like painting parts of your house to anything as big as switching to renewable energy sources for your household? If you’re from Massachusetts, this is even easier through MA community solar systems that are practically hassle-free due to its subscription-based platform. 

  1. Technology

Of course, I am very much grateful for the technology that is allowing us to have a semblance of normalcy at least for a bit. Technology permits us to reunite with our families and friends who are otherwise unreachable due to the pandemic. It also helped maintain our distance through cashless payments. Plus, it’s everyone’s source of income nowadays as people work from home.

  1. Traveling

If anything, the pandemic has made me appreciate traveling even more. I realized that I should appreciate any form of travel, from the shortest of trips to a weekend vacation in another country. While I can’t do it today, no one is stopping me from planning for every single getaway me and my family could do once it’s all over. 

  1. Meditation

The power of meditation has yielded tremendous benefits to my mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Even the simple act of mindful breathing has given me a clear head to tackle even the worst challenges head-on. Meditation is especially important during this time because a lot of people are starting to get anxious and even depressed due to the major change in our lifestyles. I recommend you do a few breathing exercises and just clear your head every morning. It would certainly do wonders!

  1. My family

Last, but certainly not least, is my family. I am grateful that I am with them during these turbulent times. I am grateful for every second that I witness them grow. I am thankful that I get to spend more time with my husband. I have to admit that this is the best part of the lockdowns and I would certainly continue to allocate more time with my loved ones even after the pandemic passes.

That’s about it. I hope I don’t sound like a braggart or anything. This is just my unfiltered and honest thoughts about the things I’m grateful for even during this time. I find that it’s better to remain hopeful and focus on the positive things that happened to strengthen our resolve and convince ourselves that this disaster will soon come to an end.

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Last Update: Friday, 18th December 2020