Mealtimes are always an experience for a young family! Sometimes as parents, we forget how diverse the world of food is until we discover the picky eating habits of our kids! Getting little ones to eat vegetables isn’t always easy, but it can be a lot of fun! With the help of Babease, we are exploring some of our favourite ways to help children explore the diverse and nutritious world of veggies. Kids eating more veg is like a constant battle in our house.

Lead by Example

While it might not always feel like it, your children are always looking up to their parents. They’re still trying to learn so much, and that includes what they should enjoy eating.

If you want your little ones to start enjoying their greens, the first thing is to make sure you enjoy them, too!

Share your love of veg with your children by eating the same as them at the same time. This point is especially important for babies and toddlers but still applies to most children. If they see you enjoying the same veggies that are on their plate, they’re a bit more likely to enjoy veggies themselves.

Let them Explore

As children get older, they’ll begin to seek independence and might push back against forced veggies. That’s why it’s hugely important to get them involved and allow them a choice when it comes to their veggies.

Young minds love to explore, so let them explore the wonderful world of veg! Allow your little ones to pick which vegetables they would like to try, and you might be surprised at how excited they are for mealtimes.

Try Different Cooking Styles

Of course, every child will turn their nose up at veggies once in a while. When this happens, don’t panic – there’s always another way to explore!

If your little one doesn’t like a particular vegetable after a few tries, it’s not the end of the road. Why not try cooking and presenting the veggies in a different way?

For example, if your kids don’t enjoy sliced and boiled carrots, why not roast them whole with a little bit of honey? Another great idea is cooking and serving vegetables like chips – children will always be curious to try tasty veggie sticks!

Colourful Dishes

Children, and especially babies, love colours. The wide world of vegetables is a rainbow of colours, which makes it super simple to present a bright and healthy plate for curious minds!

You may be surprised at how much difference a colourful meal can make for little ones. Combine a wide range of colours on a plate and let your children explore all the different tastes for themselves.

You can also try turning the plate into a smiley face or a pretty picture to excite young eyes! They love to eat with their eyes and making things more appealing definitely helps; a great way to get your kids eating more veg.

Mix into Meals

Vegetables should be included separately in meals so your kids can learn and explore different tastes. However, if you want to make sure your kids get the goodness they need, you can’t go wrong with hiding some veggies in their meals.

A classic trick is to include more vegetables in your little one’s sauces. Blend some tomatoes into their pasta or add some mushy peas into their mash – the opportunities are endless! Another fab idea to get kids eating more veg.

If they begin to enjoy their new flavours, you may then be able to slowly introduce them in larger chunks and then as separate veggies. Check out these vegan and veggie ideas too.

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Last Update: Wednesday, 30th June 2021