Today’s keyword for the #mummyphotoaday photo challenge, April day 9, is “colourful”.
Happy Unicorn Day… how will you be spending the day? Isla likes to spend it dressed up as a unicorn. She’s got such an imagination and I just love that! When I think of unicorns I think of magical and #colourful. Anything goes really. The limitations are your imagination! My earliest memory of unicorns is from the movie Legend, with Tom Cruise. Has anyone else seen that? Not one for Isla right now as it’s quite dark! I’d love to know what you’re doing for #nationalunicornday 🦄 #mummyphotoaday

Use the unique code MUMMYCONSTANT to get 50% off unicorn goodies. Like this: Unicorn Headband=

April photo challenge

I love seeing all of the variety of photographs each month. There’s nothing better than a photo challenge. I love the subjective element to the photo challenge too. Everyone’s perspective of the theme is different. It has made me smile seeing all of the images so far. Thank you so much for the support in my latest adventure

Here are the April prompts as a reminder, I would love for you to join in. Take a look at the photos that have been uploaded so far #mummyphotoaday.

Get the right tags

In order to join in with April photo challenge, you will need to use the hashtag #mummyphotoaday. You could link to @mummyconstant if you want too. That way I can comment and like the photos. Also, other people that are joining in will be able to find your photos too.

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Our Family,

Last Update: Monday, 24th June 2019