Well weighed at 11 weeks he was 12lb 6oz, so I can only imagine he is nearer the 13lb mark now. Bless him. He had his first swimming lesson last week with Daddy and after the initial cry he loved it.

Milestones this week: Today he giggled for the first time and I mean a proper “baby giggle”…. it was the most amazingly cute thing I have ever heard. He had his jabs today too and cried for about 30 mins but was fine after that – he is a very good boy.

Another little milestone, more for mummy and daddy is that he went to bed in his own cot tonight when he was still awake. It took 10 mins for him to go to sleep, with no fuss, no cries, he just lie there talking to himself and sucking his fist!!! I was sooo proud and I just wanted to pick him back up again to hug him…

I cant wait for him to wake up!! haha.

Photo is from Wednesday, we went out in the big buggy for the first time – Noah loved it as he can see everything and is all snug in his footmuff…

I love him so much!!

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Last Update: Thursday, 3rd February 2011