There is quite a lot that goes into deciding on your bedroom furniture and it really depends a lot on the décor of the room in general and therefore it is essential to consider the overall theme you are attempting to go for before you even begin. What is your color scheme and what how is this going to present itself? Is it a modern or traditional style (you will want to consider the property type when going through this).

Bedside Tables

You’ll want to be looking at these once you’ve decided on the theme and other style features, how many drawers in each, what color and what are you going to have on them? Are you going for bedside lamps? If you are then it’s best to consider style options such as what shades you would like , how tall the lamp should be or how wide?

The Bed Itself

What type of bed to buy? It’s pretty much the centerpiece of the room, as that’s why it’s called the bedroom obviously! But there really are essentially two aspects to choosing a bed which are the frame, which gives the bed its look and the mattress which we need to be right for us. The frame will require you to look at how it fits in with the theme you have decided on, is it timber, metal and what color would you like it to be. The mattress is very important as you’re comfort is key in this regard, I prefer sleeping on a gel memory foam mattress to ensure that I get the best possible sleep and wake up refreshed and energised every day.


There are many different styles of drawers and cabinets available and this gives you countless options when choosing. Keep in mind how much space you will need and where as you can get narrow tall drawers if needed where space may be a bit more tight.


A wardrobe is an obvious essential for any bedroom but the question is do you want to have a stand-alone piece or a fitted wardrobe? Space available is key in this decision not to mention what style and color you are after and what fits in with this.

Curtains Or Blinds

The curtains or blinds in your bedroom are key in bringing together the theme as these will be a feature that takes your gaze away from the rest of the room as the window is a definite focal point being that the main light source is this during daylight hours. Which brings us to the next point of are you looking for blackout curtains or blinds which are great for not only blocking out light but also noise pollution and actually helps with insulating against heat loss. You’ll need to be aware to choose the color and style of the blinds to be in keeping with all of the other furniture you have chosen for your given theme.

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Home Reviews,

Last Update: Wednesday, 27th March 2019