We’ve all heard of injury lawyers. They represent us when we’ve been injured or hurt due to the result of someone else’s negligence, and help us to get compensation. However, whilst most of us will be aware of injury lawyers and what they do, we might not know when we should call one. Some of us might be wary about asking for help, and others simply might not be aware of what an injury lawyer can do for them in a certain situation. So, why might you need an injury lawyer?

Medical negligence

If you’ve experienced medical negligence, such as surgery that’s gone wrong or a ruptured hernia mesh, you may wish to contact in injury lawyer, depending on the circumstances. For example, many people have suffered complications following hernia repair due to the manufacturing of the mesh. You may not be alone, and this will work in your favour. Whilst you may not think that anything can make up for the pain and discomfort you’ve experienced, calling an injury lawyer may be able to get you a good deal of compensation, which will certainly help with certain difficulties following the negligence.

Car accident

If you’ve been in a car accident, you will be feeling worried and stressed about the next steps, especially if you’ve been injured and have to take time off work. However, if the injury wasn’t your fault, you should contact an injury lawyer, as you could be eligible for compensation. Whether there was a fault in the road or another driver was being reckless, an injury lawyer will fight for your case and represent you in court. If you’re not sure who was at fault during the accident, you should still contact an injury lawyer for advice and guidance. They’ll be able to help you with the next steps and decide whether to take the case further.

Workplace accident

If you’ve experienced an injury in your workplace, you should certainly call an injury lawyer. Whether it’s a physical injury such as a back strain from heavy lifting, or a psychological issue because of stress or intimidation, an injury lawyer will be able to advise you on the issue and see if you can get compensation. Every workplace should have an in-depth health and safety standard, and if you have experienced your injury because of a wet surface, faulty equipment or another hazard then your employer hasn’t provided a safe environment, and it isn’t surprising that someone has been hurt.


Unfortunately, when we put our trust in establishments that are meant to care for us and our relatives, sometimes this authority can be abused. Whilst most carers and nurses are excellent at their jobs and go above and beyond for those they care for, abuse of vulnerable people can happen in care home settings. If this has happened to you or a relative you should call an injury lawyer who will be able to represent the victim in court. Abuse in any care setting is not acceptable, and whilst compensation cannot undo what has already happened, it is certainly a help.

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Last Update: Friday, 15th November 2019