When I was pregnant with Noah I wasn’t sure about breastfeeding, I didn’t “feel” like I wanted to breastfeed and I can’t explain why! It might be because I had never been around people that breastfed, or that were breastfeeding in front of me – I really don’t know! All I do know is that I tried to breastfeed and I know in my heart of hearts (because of how well Isla is doing) that I didn’t give it a proper chance with Noah and I should have persevered. If I had of given it a few more days then I am sure that I would have breastfed Noah for a lot longer than I did.

I didn’t realise that for the first couple of weeks they use you to get your body into a routine of what milk they need and this means that they might feed a little more often than the “4” hour routine. I didn’t realise many things to be honest and I now know it was all down to the support that I had, or didn’t have.

It’s not that I wasn’t offered support, I remember my antenatal classes and they tell you about support groups (BRA’s) and they did talk about breastfeeding for a little while, but to be honest it didn’t help me! I didn’t realise what I needed to know about before I had Noah and it’s only now that I have been through it (for the past 6 weeks) with Isla that I understand what I didn’t before… that sounds a little gobbled doesn’t it? What I mean is, I was told about a support group and I was told about leaflets, but that didn’t explain to me WHY I needed a support group. At that time, I simply thought – you have a baby and it feeds! I remember thinking to myself when expressing that I could just express once in the morning and once at night and I will always have enough for Noah for the day and night. Which is completely not the case, I didn’t think about the 4 hour routine and that if I didn’t express enough milk throughout that 24 hour period then my milk will stop.

Since having Noah and being pregnant with Isla, I came across many other mums and friends that were having babies and that were breastfeeding and I gained a lot of support and advice from them. Friends that would literally feed without question or hesitation, no matter where they were; that would be ready to fight for their right to breastfeed in public and that would be there to talk to me whenever I needed it.

I feel 100% different about breastfeeding this time around, I am not afraid to feed and I feel like I know what I am doing this time. I do regret not breastfeeding Noah for longer and I do wish that I knew more about it. I suppose the main thing for me is that if I had known what I do now, I would have gone to the groups and I would have made a lot more effort with Noah… my advice to anyone out there who isn’t sure about breastfeeding, please do speak to friends and family and do ask how it works.

There are some other mummy bloggers that are writing about their experiences with breastfeeding too, please take a look at their blogs:


Check out the Theraline competition that I am running on my blog: https://mummyconstant.com/theraline-mamma-pads-competition/ to win some Mamma Pads and also take a look at the Theraline website for more great breastfeeding products.

 You have found a Keep Britain Breastfeeding logo, congratulations! This means you can be in with a chance of winning some fabulous prizes. Why not take a peek at the Boobiemilk blog to find out what is going on with all this Breastfeeding Scavenger Hunt talk and how to take part: http://www.keepbritainbreastfeeding.co.uk/and also on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/KeepBritainBreastfeedingScavengerHunt and Twitter https://twitter.com/#!/KeepBritainBF.

To enter in to the Grand Prize to win some fabulous prizes, please comment below on where you found your breastfeeding support?

For extra points follow @mummyconstant on Twitter and @KeepBritainBF. Tweet the following: “I’m on the @KeepBritainBF Scavenger Hunt with @mummyconstant and I want to #win lots of fab prizes http://wp.me/p2923n-EP” and leave another comment telling me you have done so along with your Twitter name.

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Last Update: Monday, 18th June 2012