Mamma Pads are the virtually invisible breastfeeding insert from Theraline. They are comfortable and absorbent, leaving you confident that you are not going to leak breast milk and you can finally sleep without a bra once again!
They work by temporarily shutting off the milk supply by putting pressure on your nipple, which causes the milk ducts to to close and then when you are ready to feed, simply remove the mamma pad and the ducts re-open. The perfect option for mummies because you can use them over and over again!!
You can see the products on the Theraline website:Â http://www.theraline.co.uk/mammapads.htm
Theraline are giving away a set of Mamma Pads in support of the Breastfeeding Scavenger Hunt, Keeping Britain Breastfeeding.
To win your very own set of Mamma Pads from Theraline, all you need to do is comment below on .
To gain extra points simply Tweet “I would like to #win some Mamma Pads with @mummyconstant, @KeepBritainBF and @theralineUK http://wp.me/p2923n-E4” or share this post on Facebook with your friends and leave a comment below to tell me that you have done so.
Oooh, I really wanted to try some of these nursing pads last time around but by the time I discovered them I was past the leaking phase and didn’t need them. But I’m in for a chance of winning some as I’ll be back to all that fun in the Autumn. X
I’ve tweeted too! X
I stocked up on cheap vest tops before baby arrived – they are great for layering underneath warmer tops so that I wasn’t conscious of my tummy on show when feeding in public.
My top tip would be to find your local support/peer supporters/breastfeeding group before baby is born so you can get to know them, this makes it much easier to contact them after baby is born; faces to names and voices. Its good to know you have support from people who you know and are familiar with and that you trust.
Have tweeted to 🙂
I have been quite lucky as I haven’t really had leaky boobs!
tweeted https://twitter.com/esthermate/status/213384201616101376 @esthermate
Oooh, those look good. I dared to go bra-less last night and we got wet! 😀
Would love to try these as having a huge leaking problem this time around!
[…] out the Theraline competition that I am running on my blog: https://mummyconstant.com/theraline-mamma-pads-competition/ to win some Mamma Pads and also take a look at the Theraline website for more great breastfeeding […]
[…] Competition with Mummy Constant and Theraline to win some Mamma Pads. Check out the comp here: https://mummyconstant.com/theraline-mamma-pads-competition/ […]
Bra-less night these have got to be worth a try! Will definitely be looking onto these more! This Breastfeeding scavenger hunt has really shown me some things I didn’t realise existed. Thank you
Wow never heard of these when i had my little girl but would love to give them a try when bump decides to arrive would be great to save on breast pads! Will definately have a look for them thankyou 🙂
tweeted @cwillmer
what a great idea, especially if you’re wearing a close fitting top
These sound fab, baby boy due in 3 weeks and I can’t wait to start breastfeeding!
Tweeted @robynlclarke
As I’m still leaking at 15 months I’d love to try anything that might help!
great product – finally put an end to oozing boobs (or as my two sons say when they see my boobs leaking – “amusing boobs!”. It even happened at the swimming pool yesterday with milk squirting out all over the changing room before i could get my bra / breast pads on!
Do you sell mammo Pads for mammograms?