I cannot believe it is nearly Summer (it doesn’t feel like it at the moment), that means nearly school holidays which in turn means nearly time for Isla to start school and to upturn our house completely, no more nursery or pre-school. Life will be full of school drop offs and school pick ups (at the same time), two sets of friends over for tea and no doubt a lot of swapping and changing things around to cope with the school holidays. It means that also choosing our family holiday this year is going to be completely different. 

A summer holiday abroad

Do we go abroad? Like two years ago, where we took an amazing trip to Turkey to an all inclusive hotel and had the time of our lives for a fortnight. Just the thought of that question makes me grasp my purse tightly! We would have to go in the school holidays this year, so August time and I can’t even begin to imagine how much that holiday would have cost us if we went in that month. Our wonderful holiday would probably cost £4k or thereabouts for a fortnight, which is money we just do not have at the moment.

A family holiday in England

This is something we have done for the past two years, had a trip in England and we have been very lucky to see some beautiful places around the Country. There are some beautiful cottages in England and for two weeks in summer holiday season, the prices are not too bad. The bonus about travelling in England is that we can take the dogs with us, instead of sending them on their “pet holiday” with the local dog sitter. If you total up the cost of a week in England, you are looking around £800 for a “wow” cottage that sleeps four with pets, cottages.com have some great locations. 

Do we wait?

We could go away in the winter half term, or go away for Christmas. The snag with these are yes, they are in the school holidays but we will miss family over Christmas and I am not sure I want to do that. I love the thought of taking the children snowboarding, somewhere with lush landscapes and big snowy mountains: so I can dress the little ones up in fantastic snowboarding gear and I bet they will look cooler than us on a  snowboard too.

Or… do something completely different

After looking at the prices and details of cruises, I was completely shocked at how they are not more expensive than an on land holiday. So, we have booked up to go on a cruise with Carnival Cruise Lines in August and we are all very excited. Passports are all in and Noah’s has been updated, details are being finalised and before we know it, it will be time to fly to Barcelona. I cannot wait to experience the different countries, all in 8 days. I have never been to Italy and its the one place I cannot wait to go and see. I have also never been to Barcelona. So a lot of new things to try: food, sights, drinks, activities and its all in one holiday. Why did we not look at this before? 

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Last Update: Saturday, 14th May 2016