If you’ve ever had an eye exam, you likely have some experience with eye tests to gauge different aspects of your vision. These exams inform the optician if you need corrective lenses. It is relatively common for people to have trouble seeing either up close or far away. Correction glasses are made for certain eye conditions which we will look at more in this post.

A more rare condition is diplopia or double vision. This condition causes you to see one object as two images. Prism correction lenses are made for this condition. These lenses are specifically designed to help correct the way light reflects onto your eye, preventing double-vision.


Typically, people see one object as one image because light hits both of their retinas in roughly the same area. However, people suffering from diplopia see two images because light hits their retinas in different areas. The stimulation of different areas on the retinas causes the brain to interpret the information as two separate images rather than consolidating data into one image.

Conditions Associated with Double-Vision

There are many reasons someone might suffer from double vision. Some of those conditions are more serious than others, and if you are suffering from double vision, you should consult a doctor.

Sometimes, double vision is caused by cornea issues. The cornea is the transparent layer covering the front of the eye and what focuses incoming light. Problems in the cornea distort the surface and can cause double-vision. These issues can be caused by astigmatism, dry eyes, infections such as shingles or herpes, or scarring.

Eye muscle irregularities can also cause diplopia. Graves’ disease is a thyroid condition that affects the eye muscles and causes vertical double-vision, where one image appears above the other. Strabismus is caused when a weak or paralyzed eye muscle prevents the eyes from aligning properly.

Diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and other neurological disorders can also cause nerve damage, leading to double-vision. Some brain issues, such as strokes, migraines, and brain injuries, can cause diplopia as well.

Prism Glasses

When dealing with diplopia, you have to know the underlying cause to determine the proper treatment. Some conditions can be treated using prism glasses. There are several tests used to determine if prism glasses are right for you.

The Hirschberg test is used to assess strabismus and the Krimsky test measures misalignment. There are several cover tests where you cover one eye at a time to decipher the exact double vision level.

Prism glasses work by bending light before it meets both retinas in roughly the same area. By bending the light and correcting where it hits your retinas, your brain can interpret the information as one image instead of two.

Prism glasses are available for online and in-person purchase at most glasses retailers. The best online glasses retailers carry these types of glasses for convenient and quick purchasing.

Possible Side Effects

When you get a new glasses prescription, it is common to have some adverse side effects for a few days while your eyes and brain adjust. It is the same with prism glasses, as your eye muscles need to adjust to receiving information differently.

Some of these side effects include headaches, eye strain, nausea, and persistent diplopia. These side effects are usually mild and only last a couple of days. Eye strain is the most common side effect. It would be best if you gave yourself a few days to adjust to the new prescription.

However, if your symptoms are severe or last longer than a few days, you should contact your eye specialist and go in for another exam. It could be the prescription was written or filled incorrectly, and allowing your eyes to adjust to the wrong prescription can worsen vision problems down the line.

Seeing Double

If you are having issues with double vision, you should address it as quickly as possible. It is a severe medical condition that requires an examination to discover the root cause. Prism glasses can be an excellent option for many people with diplopia, and you should explore that option with your optometrist if you suffer from the condition. It may be a relatively easy solution for your double vision problem.

Do you wear correction glasses? I have reading glasses, I would love to know your thoughts in the comments below.

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Last Update: Saturday, 6th November 2021