Yes, the C-word has started to be thrown around, and we’ve even heard a few festive tunes on the radio! As November arrives, it can only mean one thing; Christmas is just around the corner. That’s enough to get us feeling stressed. While this is a joyful time of the year for a lot of people, it can also be a very difficult time of the year for others. This includes mums who want to give their children the best Christmas possible but feel a bit stressed by the prospect. If you fall into this category, we have some tips and ideas to give you a helping hand.

  • Stop comparing yourself to others – There is only one place to begin, and this is by focusing on your own family and your own Christmas. There is always going to be someone spending more on their children than you. Unfortunately, that’s the reality of the matter. However, Christmas is not about money or how much you spend. It is about enjoying precious moments as a family. So, stop comparing yourself!

  • Find some moments for yourself – Whether this means reading a good novel or enjoying a Geek Bar vape, finding some moments to relax and truly focus on yourself is important. This is something you should commit to no matter the time of year, but it comes even more important during the festive period when we all feel incredibly busy and worn down. 

  • Sit down and work out a budget – If you are worried about what you are going to be able to afford, sit down and work out a budget. Don’t be afraid to tell people that you are only going to be buying for your own children this year. The past two years have been incredibly difficult for everyone, and so people should understand if you cannot afford to spend what you usually would. It is also a good idea to consider shopping on Black Friday to save some money too. 

  • Treat yourself too – You deserve a treat as well. Whether this means booking a pamper day at your local spa or simply spending a day where you do all of your favourite things, from watching your favourite TV show to having your favourite meal. Do things that will truly make you feel happy. Don’t wait around for other people to reward you for all of your hard work at this time of year. Reward yourself instead! After all, you deserve it, and you will know how to treat yourself better than others do.

As you can see, there are a number of different approaches and techniques you can use to try and de-stress at this time of year. We hope that the ideas and suggestions that we have provided above have been helpful. We know it can be very difficult to find them to relax and unwind at this time of year. However, it is important to make sure you find some time to put yourself first and to take a much-needed breather. Feeling stressed is never good, especially at this wonderful time of year. So, please do take it easy on yourself.

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Last Update: Thursday, 4th November 2021