Going on vacation is a fun time. It’s your chance to get away from the office and worries of everyday life. You’ve worked hard to earn time off and it’s now your chance to soak up the sun and relax with friends or family.

The one obstacle you face is whether to work or not on vacation. The majority of people would agree that it’s a time to detach yourself from daily responsibilities. Ultimately, it’s up to you to make that decision. The problem is many people don’t know how to separate work and leisure time and end up missing out on a lot of their trip. See how to unplug on vacation.

Work Ahead

The best course of action to take for yourself is to plan before you go. Work in advance and complete tasks ahead of schedule that will be due when you return. Know exactly what’s expected of you around your vacation time and get in front of the assignments. Put in the extra time now so you’re able to relax and de-stress once you’ve reached your destination. It may feel a bit overwhelming when you’re taking on double the work, but it’ll be worth it once you’re removed from the office. Also, set an out of office message so clients and colleagues are well aware that you’re out of town and won’t be answering messages.

Set Boundaries with Colleagues & Yourself

Make it clear to those you work with that you’re going to be out of the office and not working. Be courteous and call or write clients so they understand when you’ll be available to chat in case of an emergency. Notify your boss and tell coworkers the dates you’ll be gone and what that means for the workload and answering questions. It’s more than likely they’ll all understand and be willing to pitch in while you’re out. Assign someone as a backup in case they need to contribute in your absence. You earned the time off, and now it’s up to you to set boundaries and make it clear what you will and won’t be doing work-wise while on vacation.

Travel with Fewer Devices

You don’t really need to pack your tablet, phone and computer. Pick one or two and have them in your bag on standby. Try very hard not to be staring at your screens the entire trip. Keep them somewhere safe where you can access them, should you need to for whatever reason. The fewer devices you pack, the less tempted you’ll be to constantly be connected to them. Travel light and only bring what you need on the trip. Remember that this is your time to disconnect and relax, so that’s why it’s important you put your devices out of sight for the majority of the vacation.

Define A Purpose for Connecting

Ask yourself if you’re logging in just to say you’re online or if you’re completing an important task, like emailing a client. Always have a purpose for connecting and interacting over your devices. Be mindful not to go on them to scan the Internet, stare at spreadsheets and wait for emails to go through. Log in because there’s an issue or you have to make an important call or send a crucial email. Think about and write down your purpose before jumping on your devices so you’re sure it’s a task you have to complete right in that moment. You may be surprised how often you’re drawn to your electronics without having a plan of action once you’re logged on.

Remind yourself why you’re on Vacation

Take a step back and remember the reasons why you’re on vacation. You’re there to rest and relax with people you enjoy being around. You’re mentally and spiritually refreshing so you’re in a much better place when you return to work. Your purpose of the trip isn’t to connect and work as hard as possible. Leave that for when your trip is over, and you’re back at home. This is time for you to reconnect with yourself and enjoy the time away from your obligations. Look for other people on the trip who are doing a good job of unplugging and take after them.  

Put your Phone away While Driving

If you’re on a road trip or have rented a car to get you around, it’s important you take proper precautions when driving the vehicle. This is especially true when you’re driving at night. Put your devices away or in the glovebox, so they’re hidden. If you happen to find yourself in an accident, call the Babcock Partners who specialize in personal injury law. They know how a car accident can turn your life upside down. The attorneys will work hard to set things right. Your case and your future will be their top priority. They’ll listen closely to you in a free case review and aggressively pursue maximum compensation for you.

Designate a Time to check Emails

Instead of checking emails at all hours of the day, set a designated time when you’ll go over your inbox. Pick a time once a day to address your messages and respond to important emails. This will put your mind at ease the rest of the day because you know you’ll be taking care of business and that you won’t have to think about it once it’s done. This makes much more sense than constantly interrupting your day to monitor your inbox. A lot of the messages can wait, and you don’t need to be wasting your precious downtime watching them come through. Check emails when it’s convenient for you, either early in the morning, at lunch or before dinner time.  

Turn off Notifications 

Take each device and configure it so all notifications are off. You won’t need the notifications if you’re good about designating a time each day to go over your work responsibilities. The notifications will only add to your stress and make you feel anxious about not being glued to your phone or computer. The noise itself will interrupt the time you’re supposed to be relaxing and disturb others. You’ll feel obligated to attend to each message that dings and calls for your attention. Don’t let this become an issue by taking care of it early on in the trip.

Remove any Feelings of Guilt

Talk yourself out of feeling any guilt for enjoying your vacation. Guilt won’t change the situation that you’re not at work. Know that you did all you could to prepare for being away and that you earned the trip. It’s a time to feel joyous and at ease. Remember that the work will be there when you get back. If someone really needs to get in touch with you, they’ll pick up the phone. Don’t let guilt creep in and ruin your vacation. Put yourself first for once and make your trip an opportunity to improve your mental health and reset, so you’re less stressed when you return.

Make A Commitment to yourself

Focus on you and tell yourself you’re going to use this trip as a way to improve your well-being. Make a promise to yourself to take full advantage of all the vacation has to offer. Use it as time to reflect on your life and all you’ve done to get where you are today. Have a good time because you want to and not for anyone else. Put work out of your head and worry about how you’re feeling and doing overall. Commit to making it a fun trip and focusing on making new goals for yourself for when you return home. Give yourself a break from the chaos of everyday life and enjoy the company of who you’re with on vacation. Tell yourself you’re not going to let work get you down or let anyone or any circumstance take away from your enjoyment. 

Think about your Family

If you’re with your family on vacation, consider their feelings. They love you and want you on the trip to spend time with you. If you’re always glued to your devices, you’re going to miss out on time with your family. This is your chance to bond and reconnect with those who you may not talk to or see as often when you’re busy with your own life. Think about the other people you’re with and their feelings. Put yourself in their shoes and decide how you’d feel if they ignored you the entire time to attend to work obligations. This will give you a whole new perspective on the situation, and you’ll be more inclined to make the right move.


Disconnecting isn’t easy these days with all of the technology that’s out there. This is even true for those who are on vacation. It becomes even more difficult when you have to balance your work and personal life. Use these tips to help you manage your time wisely and have no regrets when you return from your trip. This is how to unplug on vacation.

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Last Update: Wednesday, 16th August 2017