Once you have kids, your whole world revolves around them. Every last second of your day has to fit around them – not that we don’t love it, but it is sure nice when we do get the opportunity to make the most of quality adult time without the kids. Being a couple. By quality time, I don’t just mean the hour or two you have once the kids have gone up to bed with a glass of wine sat on the sofa in front of whatever drivel happens to be on television. Quite honestly, I’m just happy to turn Peppa Pig off for another day. What I mean is for one or two days without any parental responsibilities (well, as much as possible) with just the two of us.

Planning a Weekend Away

If you have not been away, just the two of you, since you entered the world of parenthood, you might be feeling a little guilty at the prospect of leaving your children with someone else for a couple of days while you get away. As parents, and as a couple, you deserve to take some time out with each other.

Although the kids always come first, it can be easy to forget about keeping your relationship strong and never prioritise spending time with each other. Making time for one another is healthy, even if you are not planning on actually doing anything – but it would be a shame to miss such an opportunity.

A weekend away doesn’t necessarily have to be an expensive extended break away in Paris (although we certainly wouldn’t turn it down), we many spots in the UK fit lending themselves as an ideal short getaway. Cut down on costs by looking for cheap hotels that offer breakfast, meaning that you have one less meal to pay for. There are a number of hotel chains that offer great deals, and you can see a great example of this if you visit this website.

Love is in the Air

When you are away with your significant other, make an effort to show them how much they mean to you. Dress up and go out somewhere nice for a romantic meal or take a leisurely stroll on the beach (as long as the weather isn’t too bad). If you cannot remember the last time you did something romantic for each other, then it is all the more reason to make that little extra effort.

If you have a little room in your budget to book something on the more extravagant side, look for special couples-only deals. Discount late booking websites (you know the ones we mean) offer great savings on couple-only getaways, away from kids altogether. Just you, that someone special, a bottle of champagne and staff waiting on your every beck and call – bliss!


Of course, you can’t go away without bringing back at least a little something for the children, and whoever has been looking after them. Chocolate, or anything edible, and toys (depending on your children’s age) make for the perfect present that will keep them happy and quiet (for 10 minutes…).

Whether you go all out or book a discounted break, you will be thankful for the time that you had together. At the end of it, you will be happy to get back to reality and spend time with your children (while thinking of your next couple’s retreat, of course).

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Last Update: Saturday, 20th January 2018