Welcome back to #SilentSunday, how is it the 10th of April already? Thank you for all of your photo posts last week. I hope everyone has been enjoying the Easter holidays.  My favourite photo from last Sunday was the Bath Time! shot by Verily Victoria Vocalises, great action shot. Don’t forget to grab the badge, this links back to the original post. 

#SilentSunday 10 April 2016

The idea is its a photo (or video) a week. It might be something you have shot that you are proud of, or a happy memory from the week or a beautiful family shot that you managed to capture. I love seeing all of the photos. 

Please link up below…

[inlinkz_linkup id=623713 mode=1]


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To get the badge, please copy the code below:

 <a href="https://mummyconstant.com/silentsunday" target="_blank" title="#SilentSunday with MummyConstant"><img src="https://mummyconstant.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/SilentSunday-e1456140824411.jpg" border="0" width="250" alt="Silent Sunday with MummyConstant" title="Silent Sunday with MummyConstant" /></a>

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My Photography,

Last Update: Thursday, 1st February 2024