My little baby girl is growing up by the day, bigger words, bossier tones and her love for creating is huge. When she was sent a box of Plasticine Softeez, she actually squealed and I had to capture her comments and excitement in a video. Which has ended up being her debut review on YouTube, I think she has captured the fun without the need for me to say anything else.

Isla used the Under the Sea set as the base for her creations, and had tubs of colours and packs of colours to add to the under sea adventures. I think it’s clear from the video that it isn’t just creating different characters that makes Plasticine fun, its the colour naming and counting elements too. It is helping her develop life skills that she will need in all things when she gets older. We also talked about the animals as she was making them, identifying that Seahorses have eyes for example, she is more aware of these things.

She will literally sit and play with the Plasticine for hours. The perfect thing about Plasticine is that it doesn’t dry up. So when she’s finished, she can leave it set out on the table and come back to it a little later on. Which if you have small children, you will know this is a definite bonus.



Plasticine has helped Noah and Isla bond too, that might sound strange, but Isla was so excited to share the Plasticine with Noah and give him his “boy” colours. When Noah got home from school, they played together, making things and having rolling contests to see who could make the longest snakes. It was nice to see them playing happily, making each other models and celebrating each others creations.

You can buy the fantastic Plasticine Softeez Under the Sea set from Hobbycraft and its only £9.99. We were sent Softeez assorted blocks, a Softeez tub of fun and the Under the sea set. Isla spent approximately two hours using it, when it first arrived and on average an hour a day playing with the Plasticine. It is a firm Isla Rae favourite!

If you follow Plasticine on Facebook:, Twitter @Plasticineuk, and you can get some amazing ideas on what to do with your Plasticine on YouTube. Isla watches these kinds of videos on YouTube at every given opportunity.



I would love to see your creations, please do share in the comments below.

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Isla Rae,

Last Update: Tuesday, 10th May 2016