When I read Pinkoddy‘s blog about having a word for 2014, I was inspired to think about my potential year ahead and a word I would use to describe what might lie in front of me. There were many to choose from, but I chose PATIENCE. Patience will keep me happy…


I sat and thought about my life at the moment: full time job, pets, a 3 year old and a 20 month old and hubby is full time too with wedding photography to top it all off – time is little, family time is not very often and the kids are trying and testing with every given opportunity. I will need a lot of PATIENCE. In fact, I would go as far as saying an incredible amount.

So when the children are screaming at the top of their lungs in anger and frustration – I am not going to rise to it. I will have some PATIENCE and try another tactic.

When the children are fighting over toys, chairs, baths, drinks and food – hitting one another. I will have some PATIENCE and explain why that’s bad behaviour.


When I have little energy and I am thinking of my Grandad, I will have some PATIENCE and save my tears for later.

When I feel a little lost and need to gather my thoughts, I will have some PATIENCE and hold my head up high.

Here’s to 2014…


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Our Family,

Last Update: Wednesday, 8th January 2014