So, what would make our perfect holiday? We love taking photos, and videos for that matter, so we like to go to places that are full of inspiring things. But more importantly, its all about doing things together. Whether that be adventures in the mountains, trips on a river boat or walking through a forest full of wild animals. 

The activities

Making sure everyone is happy is the main point of the perfect holiday. Making sure there are activities to entertain the children, something to entertain the grown ups and things we can all do together. Our last holiday abroad was great as we spent time in the pools, kids club meant that Mummy and Daddy could get some sun together and in the evenings there was a lot of entertainment for all of us. I love getting photos of family time, excursions and the food we eat. There is just so much inspiration when you are on holiday.  


The day excursions

We love doing things. Whenever we go on holiday, there is something we do. Not one day goes past that we sit around doing “nothing”. We enjoy going on walks, soaking up the landscape of our new location. Weather depending we play on the beach, swim and bask in the sun for a short while. Taking picnics on day adventures, eating together in the open air is fun. I remember when we saw the sea turtles in Turkey, it was so amazing, Noah was completely fascinated. That particular excursion was fabulous as the day contained so many activities it meant there was something for everyone: swimming in the sea, watching the sea turtles, mud baths and soaking up the scenery on the boat in between. 

The hotel 

This has very much to do with whether the holiday is perfect or not. If the hotel is not clean, food is not nice, staff are not friendly, just for starters – can really turn the holiday around. We have been to places where the hotels have been, not so good, and that has resulted in our memories scarred. Thats not something you can change, they stay with you forever. Thankfully, we have been to places where the rooms we have stayed in have been fantastic and family oriented. With hotels full of friendly staff and extremely yummy food. It certainly makes a difference when you look back, a smile spreads across your face.  After a day of adventures, you want to be somewhere that makes you happy and relaxed. 


The food

Exploring the local food when you are holiday is a must. The children enjoy food as much as we do, so we love trying out new things and plenty of them too. I love going to hotels when they lay on a buffet for breakfast as the children just eat anything and everything. They get completely stuck in. Even on our self catering holidays in England we still buy the local food and try everything we can. 

Snow or sun? 

We have never been on holiday with the children in the snow yet. But the same rules apply for our perfect holiday as above. We have decided we want to get the children skiing lessons this year, we would love to do snow holidays with them. We went snowboarding on Valentines Day and there must have been at least five little children on the slopes, zooming down. It has definitely inspired us for some snow this year. The photos you can get in the mountains, with all the snow, it just looks magical. I can just picture Noah and Isla zooming around the mountains with their cool snow jacket and salopettes on. 


We love exploring new places, taking photos wherever we go and discussing those adventures for months to come. It’s all about the memories. We still talk about our last trip abroad, that was over a year ago. The pancake lady was obviously a memory worth holding on to! 

This is my post to submit for the Adventure Junkie category with  Mark Warner Holidays’ Family Ambassador Programme

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Last Update: Friday, 19th February 2016