NEXTSite-Logonext (2)MummyConstant and MummyBird, complete with mini Constant’s and Bird’s were lucky enough to go to London Zoo last week to see the new SS13 Collection for the childrenswear. This was my very first blogger event and I went with the little ones, something I have learnt is a little ambitious whilst they are so young – it didn’t help that it was quite cold. But we were very excited to play with all the toys and Mummy was especially excited to see the clothes. As soon as I entered the room I could tell I was going to love the clothes, the colours looked fantastic and the patterns on the clothes were even better.

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 Everything just looked so cool and funky, even the girly items were not your typical pretty pinks and the next team advised me that they steered clear of the pretty girlie pinks this season, so that the girls can rock the colours and patterns too. I have to admit I was a little smitten with Style Tribe collection and especially the animal print rain mac which I will be reviewing separately. The colours they have used are really striking, yet will mingle with other colours nicely – the mac is also splash proof and lets face it with this weather you need to be prepared.

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The boys clothes looked very cool and funky and varied from bright and vibrant, a very 80’s style and another collection which has a very nautical theme to it. I fell in love with the white boat boots and I will be reviewing these separately. They look so trendy and will go with plenty of Noah’s next outfits, so he will get some wear out of them. I can’t wait to get him in his chino’s and boat boots.

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I loved the BOYS & GIRLS neon signs they had set up with models wearing the trendy little clothes by them, we got a few good shots of Noah by the boys sign and Isla by the girls sign. As you can see from the models (not Little Bird or Noah) that the colours are very bright, the patterns really stand out and it just reminds me of the late 80’s, early 90’s when these colours and bold patterns were in fashion. I can just see Noah running around with brightly coloured chinos on and a fluorescent tee. Noah got some funky sunglasses and 2 really cool caps to take home, the grey cap on the left hand model being one of them.

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There was a little table top full of accessories, which made me want Isla to be older, so I could dress her up (she is going to be my little dolly when she’s older, eek). The accessories and shoes were bright colours again, with the bold patterns. I love the turquoise spotty shoes, they really stood out to me. If you can see over to the far right, there is a little pair of pink flower sunglasses, Isla had a pair of these in her goody bag and she looks amazingly cute in them. I really love her everything just looks cute on my little lady.

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As you can see, Isla is getting into the habit of clothes shopping at the young age of 11 months old… Good Girl and good choice of clothing brand 🙂next (1)

Here are some of the next official photographers photos, as you can see Isla and Noah enjoyed it:

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You can look at all of the next children's collection on the website: and you can follow them on Twitter: @nextofficial and like them on Facebook here.

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Beauty & Fashion, reviews,

Last Update: Wednesday, 10th April 2013