Munchkin carried out a survey, to celebrate the launch of the new Click Lock cups, on how mums & dads feel about parenthood. The international baby brand polled 2,000 UK parents and confirmed it can take them up to two years to get to grips with parenthood, with 58% of mothers fearing they would never get to grips with it. It’s not just mum worrying about herself either, with two thirds stating it takes dad a long time to adjust to their new role.
Even before the birth over half of respondents said they felt scared and just under half felt nervous about the impending arrival showing that this worry for parents starts long before baby is born.
The report showed that nearly two thirds of mums said that they didn’t feel they could confide in anyone if they didn’t feel it had all clicked into place with the most popular response stating that they thought it was something that everyone felt and they didn’t want to make a big deal out of it. If mums did turn to someone it was more than likely their own mum, with 5% asking their mother-in-law.
Top Ten things that mums felt had to be mastered before things clicked in to place:
- Being in a good routine
- Knowing what to do when baby is crying
- Not worried about dealing with baby in public
- Not panicking when baby is poorly
- Leaving the house with a spare change of clothes
- Being able to change a nappy quickly
- Having baby sleeping through the night
- Leaving the house with milk/food and snacks
- Always having a toy to entertain baby with
- Being able to leave the house on time
But many parents admitted that their worry was a regret and that they should have enjoyed the experience more. Two thirds admitted they wished they has been more calm and relaxed and less worried.
Sometimes things in life just click and this is never more true than with the brand new Click Lock™ Cup range from Munchkin! With over 20 years experience, Munchkin, the award-winning international baby brand , is thrilled to launch the brand new Click Lock™ cup range, one of the most innovative and exciting range of cups parents will find on the market today.
The Click Lock™ range features ‘ click’ to lock technology providing a leak proof guarantee, so drop, throw or tip upside down, no liquid will come out. The cups could not be simpler to use, simply turn the lid until it ‘clicks’ in to place providing parents with an auditory reassurance that the cup is completely sealed. What’s more, the range, just like all Munchkin products, is fun, vibrant and practical, making parents lives that little bit easier .The Click Lock™ cup range starts at £3.99 and for more information log on to
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