Probably a sentence you have heard a lot of today, or something similar. Now I mean I knew my little girl would eventually go to school – but now it’s all for real. She has a school place and I still cannot believe it, but a place at our first choice. Isla is starting school…
I have been worrying for months, well since it dawned on me that if Isla didn’t get into our first choice then her and Noah would go into different schools and how does that work for us a family? It doesn’t. I am really lucky as I get help from my mother in law twice a week, she cannot drive and therefore does the school walk in the mornings and afternoons – how can she do that to two schools at once? And whose to say the school would be within walking distance. So many factors to worry about when you have a sibling in school already. I heard that the school had to develop a breakfast club and after school club because there was a surge of siblings not getting in to the school a few years back, it was weighing heavily on my mind.
I don’t think Isla realised why I felt so relieved and overjoyed this morning and Noah just kept informing me that he would be in year one. As if I could forget that. I just love the fact that my two are just one school year apart, they will be around each other all of the time and quite close. If they get over this bickering stage of course! I can breathe now. Well, up until the summer holidays and I have to finally come to terms with my youngest starting school. I cannot believe this time has come. It was emotional enough when Noah started but now my little Isla too.
On the positive side I know she is very ready to go to school. She is pretending to read, trying to learn and writing as best as she can. She draws beautifully and can write her name, Mummy and Noah without help. She is doing really well. She also recognises the letters from these names too. So we are making a lot of progress – I am trying to keep her mind whirring until September, keep giving her things to do and challenges to face.
So here is to the five months of preparing her for big girl’s school, Biff and Chip books at the ready and plenty of paper and pencils. I am looking forward to helping her on this journey, I know she will be a brilliant academic. You can see it in her already.
I hope everyone got their first choice schools today, and more specifically if you have an older sibling in that school.