Baby Bean Constant número 2 is now half way baked, we have our 2nd scan on Tuesday morning. So fingers crossed everything is still cooking well.

Número 2 is a little wriggler, I can feel its every movement. It’s very active at night and when I eat, just like Noah was. But this one is definitely more active, I think it’s more active because with Noah I had a low lying Placenta & I don’t this time. So maybe I will feel lots of different things.

I still don’t get a chance to be pregnant, I rest when Noah goes to bed… Well after I’ve eaten, tidied up & then chilled for a bit.

I still wonder how big brother Noah is going to react & if he’s really going to know any change has taken place.

Will keep you posted about the scan and bump measurements soon…

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Isla Rae,

Last Update: Sunday, 18th December 2011