We love playing fun games as a family, albeit we have a little man that doesn’t like to lose, we have been trying new games and old games together. Like Scrabble, something Daddy and I used to play when we were younger. I remember having game afternoons, on a Sunday, with my siblings and Mum growing up. We liked Mouse Trap! Great game. Some of these games were meant to be travelling with us to Dubai. I stocked up on these little games as they are the perfect size to have in a backpack. I knew we would have long waits at the airport, the plane journey was long and I thought they would be fun to play with our friends when we got to Dubai. As we didn’t go, they actually still came in very handy as we have been playing them throughout lockdown. They are great family fun games. 

Harry Potter 4-in-1 Shuffle  

The 4-in-1 Shuffle Harry Potter Edition is a great game for the dinner table, or chilling in the garden. With this one pack of cards you can play 4 games: Happy Families, Action Game (where you have to be the first to get rid of your cards), Pairs and Snap. We love playing Snap at the weekends. My kiddies are just so competitive, it’s a wonder they do not hurt their hands when they “snap” the table. We really enjoyed playing this, it also sparked a conversation about Harry Potter. We loved watching the movies! 

Harry Potter Shuffle


We have lots of fab games from John Adams, 7ate9 is a new one to us. It’s a great game to encourage arithmetic with the kiddies. We will be playing this in our Maths lessons whilst homeschooling too. You must get rid of your cards, the one who gets rid of them first wins. You do so by adding or subtracting the numbers that are on the cards. So the larger number, for example 3, is your main number and the smaller number in the corner of the cards are your sums, for example +-3. So, you could have 6 or 0. It’s really fun and fast paced which is good for children. 



Another fab game that comes in a cool storage box which means its very portable. I carried this game around in my handbag for a while before lockdown. Pointz is a great game, you spin the box and whoever it pointz to has to try and beat the spinner on an activity. For example, move in a particular way, think about something or react in a specified way. Isla loved this game as she is a great little performer. It is definitely fun for all the family. 


Where on earth

This game, Where on Earth, by Ginger Fox is just brilliant for Geography lovers. If my kids were older, I would say it would be a great homeschooling game as it encourages learning. The aim of the game is getting the most points by answering questions about travel trivia and trying to guess where the location is on the map. For example, the questions are travel general knowldge and then you get a bonus point if you can pinpoint it on the map. Great idea. This is such a fun game and we can’t wait to play with this our extended family when we are allowed to play games in the back garden again. It’s a lot of fun playing in teams. 

Where on earth

Itchy feet

Itchy Feet is another fabulous game by Ginger Fox. The children loved it and it was super easy to pick up. The idea of this game is that you have to collect items (cards) in order to travel; a beach card or a drinks card for example. You need 3 items and a passport to travel to your destination. However, there are various actions you can take each turn that sometimes mean you lose the cards you are trying to collect. It is a great game as you can be ruthless or just go for the win. I love the box it comes in too. 

Itchy Feet

Some of these games should have come with us to Dubai, they would have been perfect for the airport and travelling with the kiddies. They will still be perfect for the next time we can go on holiday again. What do you take with you when you travel? I would love to know in the comments below.

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Last Update: Tuesday, 16th June 2020