In order to prep us for our cruising adventures in August, Carnival Cruise Lines sent us on an excursion near our home. The idea that it would be a chilled family day and something similar to what we could do as an excursion at one of the ports on the med cruise. I have to say the weather could not have been more perfect, no winds, beautiful sunshine and not too hot. We had a wonderful adventure in our two man canoe.
We met Canoe Trail in Bromham, we had a quick run down of what to do and some safety instructions and then off we set on the two man canoe. Kids in their little kids seats and Mummy and Daddy at the ends. We canoed all the way to Bedford, which took us three hours with a pit stop for our picnic lunch and that all important cup of tea.
On our travels we saw plenty of wildlife, including three kingfishers. I had never seen one before and I was amazed. We saw plenty of swans and ducks, pigeons and also lots of nests along the river banks. Some of the houses and the gardens were fascinating, huge buildings and equally huge and beautiful gardens. It was nice daydreaming about owning one of those one day.
We had to stop at a weir to carry the canoe around the bank, so we decided to stop for our picnic lunch. It was a good time to stop as it was about half way. The kids had a run around, which was nice as they had been sitting so well in the canoe all of that time.
After lunch we took off again, on the home straight. It was so peaceful. You could just hear birds tweeting their little songs and at some points there was not even a hum of civilisation, it was very chilled out. The kids started to help with the canoeing and took to counting our strokes to keep Daddy and I in sync: 1, 2,3, 4 and again 1,2,3,4. They also had a go at rowing, they were very good. Noah kept telling me he was helping to steer the boat or helping to make us go faster – so he was picking up what needed to be done. Isla just liked dipping her oar in the river and watching the ripples shine in the reflection of the sun.
We made it back to Bedford, dry. I was amazed. It was a beautiful day, the sun was still shining and Ashley from Canoe Trails waited patiently for our arrival who was equally amazed that we made it back dry! We will definitely be doing it again and cannot wait to try it in a different country on our cruise.
This looks brilliant! It’s a shame we live miles away from where you went today but I think we will definitely be looking for something similar here up north 🙂
This takes me back to our kayaking trips in France, such lovely photos from a great looking day. what a treat to be able to do this and I hope you find something similar on your August trip too. I’d love you to join me for Country Kids if you get a minute.
Thanks for linking up #CountryKids
Awww look at how the weather cooperated! So nice! Looks like something a family can really do and looks so much fun too! #countrykids