We had another fabulous day at Drayton Manor on Saturday, we managed to get on all the open rides and we even had time to investigate the height restrictions for the main rides that open on 12 March 2016. Noah’s way over 1m now and little Isla has only 4 more centimetres to go. It’s so exciting.
Isla went on rides that she hadn’t been on before as she had grown a bit since our last trip and she really enjoyed Cranky. I thought she would be really scared about it, but she wasn’t. She giggled her little head off, it was really cute to hear her. It’s such a funny feeling, Noah couldn’t explain it either, he said “It makes my tummy feel funny Mummy”.

We made the most out of the soft play, the carousel, the new rides at Thomasland that opened last year and the other rides too. It was a nice, chilled out day, yes I did say that word. How can a theme park be chilled I hear you say? It was. There wasn’t a mass of people, the queues were relatively short, the rides were fun and it had a great atmosphere to the day.
We took this footage when we visited Drayton Manor before the main season closed and we put it online this morning to show you one of the children’s favourite rides. We are really looking forward to going on this again this year, the Polperro Express train ride. Its over 6 minutes long, it goes around the park and I love that it stops by the log flume so you can see everyone getting soaked from the splash.
Catch up with Drayton Manor on social media and their website: Draytonmanor.co.uk. Twitter: @Draytonmanor, Facebook: www.facebook.com/DraytonManorPark, YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/draytonmanorpark and Instagram: @DraytonManorPark.
Drayton Manor’s main season opens on 12 March 2016, we are looking forward to going back and trying some new rides. We hope to see you there.