I love cooking with the kiddies and when we were sent the new Ella’s Kitchen Easy Family Cookbook, we had to try out some fun recipes. Ella’s Kitchen challenged us to make our favourite recipe from the book and the kiddies found it so much fun. The orange cookbook is one of 4 in the range and they are brilliant for kids and people like me, who have no idea what to cook for dinner!

Our favourite recipe

This is our favourite recipe from the book and it gives you an idea of how the pages are laid out. They are easy to read and look fun. It tells you very quickly how many the recipe will feed, how long it takes to prep and cook – also if you can freeze it afterwards. Which when you have children is essential! Well I think it is… 

These golden treasure muffins, from the yellow book, are super delicious and great for the kiddies too. Isla loves to decorate muffins, so we baked them and then Isla decorated them afterwards. Icing sugar isn’t the healthiest I suppose – but it’s a good activity that keeps her quiet! 

[pdf-embedder url=”https://mummyconstant.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/ek2_full_book_dragged.pdf” title=”ek2_full_book_(dragged)”]

What are your favourite recipes to cook with the kiddies, I would love to hear about them in the comments below. 

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Last Update: Wednesday, 7th November 2018